Truth builds trust. Our business is built on relationships. Your success is our success.

For most of history, the economic relationship between buyer and seller could be distilled into a merciless zero-sum game. The supplier wants to sell at the highest possible price and the buyer wants to acquire as cheaply as possible. Fair enough, if the parties have equal bargaining power. But in many countries, unequal market knowledge and access to customers can result in ruthless exploitation whereby offshore multinationals set the price for commodity goods grown in other countries.
What if there were another way of doing business — where buyer and seller took better account of each other and valued longevity?
Omanhene was conceived on the basis of creating economic wealth throughout the food chain by establishing long-term relationships. We envision a world where a cocoa-growing country like Ghana might enjoy some of the benefits realized by moving up the cocoa value chain. This means adding more value to the product in Africa. After all, if cocoa prices fall and cocoa farmers abandon their crops and decide to grow yams, for example, Omanhene would soon be out of business. It’s simple; we follow the Golden Rule.
The same regard is extended to our customers, whom we consider long-term partners in our success. Several of our largest customers have been with Omanhene since inception, nearly three decades and counting. We’ve never understood people who behave badly in commerce and excuse their actions with the comment that “it’s not personal, it’s just business.” Business is always personal (it involves people after all). Let us show you how Omanhene helps you increase profits, impress your patrons, and bring some pleasure to your workday.
We’re a family business. No venture capitalist backs Omanhene. No hedge fund is looking for a quick exit. Key employees have been with us for years. You won’t find offshore call centers at Omanhene. Pick up the phone and leave a message for our president. He usually calls you back the same day. Character counts.